Cuatro Amigas. Our Stories. Our Project.

This past weekend, my tres comadres and I, gathered to finalize a project that started when one of us shared an idea with the rest of the group. 

A month ago, the writer of our group, sent an email about a documentary that PBS is working on called: Latino Americans. In this email, our friend was telling us: "Look darlings, how about we make a video of our stories, and we send it to them?"

When I clicked on the link provided in her email, it took me to the PBS' website and I read, carefully, the description of the project: - "LATINO AMERICANS is a landmark six-hour documentary featuring interviews with nearly one hundred Latinos and more than 500 years of History." - I didn't think twice! My answer was "YES! Let's do it!"

After we all agreed on doing it, and several emails, and coffees later, we decided to start the video shooting of our four stories on Saturday the 20th, and so we did. 

I cannot give away any details of what we will be sharing on the video, but I can tell you that it was an incredible experience to learn more about these women, whom I am very lucky to call my friends.

By sharing this, I would like to encourage you to send your story, or your friend's story to this amazing project that PBS is putting together. Like me, I am pretty sure many Latinos out there could benefit from hearing it.

Working on the last details.
Of course we had food, AND drinks! 
Our wonderful Latina writer, Maria Victoria.
A very powerful advocate for our Latino community in Seattle, Penny Lara.
Teresa Jones, another powerful Latina in the Northwest.
The four of us laughing, because we do that a lot. 



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