Falling in Love with Instagram... Again.

How often do you update an application right after its update is released? I rarely do, except for this time. 

I am an Instagram lover; I share as many pictures and videos as possible on this app, and that's why  I rushed to download it immediately after I read about the new features on this update like, being able to upload videos from your phone library, and straighten pictures within the app.  

After the app was updated, I started playing with it; I discovered that, just like the specifications said, I could upload videos from my phone library. I added old videos; I put them together, trimmed the beginning and the end of each segment and, although I had filled all fifteen seconds, I was still able to edit the first few seconds of the first video. I was perplexed about all the cool things I could now do! 

On the next video collage, you will see videos from the 4th of July, July 15th, August 6th and 7th; all put together and edited directly on Instagram. What do you think? 

This is just one of the many things I discovered I can do with one of my favorite apps, but I am sure I am missing some other great features. Please, share with me, and my readers what other fun things you've done with this new update!
