Taking a Video With Your Camera Phone?

Thanks to the amazing technology that we have in our hands, for the past few years, I have witnessed all my friends upload videos of their family vacations, their kids' concerts, or the concerts they go to. I mostly enjoy all of them, except, when I see some common mistakes we make when using our camera phones to shoot our videos. This is why I decided to share these few tips on how to better capture on video those precious moments.

  • Do not hold the camera vertically:
This position would be fine if you were taking a picture, or reading emails, but not when you're shooting a video. The reason is that, when you use it vertically, you are capturing only one person instead of getting the whole scene. Another reason is that it really looks awkward when someone plays the video on their widescreen monitor. 

Here is the example of how NOT to do it:
  • Do not hold your camera with only one hand.
Many camera phones come with hand stabilizers but honestly, who likes to watch a video where everything is shaking?  

  • Remember to use airplane mode.
Imagine what would happen if you start recording the first steps of your baby, or the concert of your favorite band, and all of a sudden you receive a phone call... Do I need to say more? No? Good! 

I hope you find this post useful, and if you have some extra tips, please feel free to share them on the comments! 
