The Night Seattle Went "Crazy" After Winning The Super Bowl.

This post has been erased so many times that I lost count! I wanted to start with something like... "I have been a football fan since I was fifteen years old..." But then, I didn't like it. I also wrote, "I started driving in my neighborhood, looking for all the happy people and..." But it didn't work either. 

And it's just that the emotion that we went through this past Sunday is extremely hard to describe with words! So, I am just going to share it with pictures and videos, after all, the main character in this story is the 12 man. That means, YOU.


Our first stop was at the Space Needle. It looks so majestic with the colors blue and green!

The 12th man flag! 

Other buildings had the 12th Man on the roof too! 

Everyone wanted to be part of this celebration.

I LOVED this flag! 

And I screamed....


But the real fun was close to Pike Place Market.

I got many hugs! Everybody was hugging each other! 

SEE???? Well, this guy I actually know. This is my friend Jonathan. 

 Told ya I really liked this flag. 

And now, the video footage of that night. 
